

Haydar Utlu Vineyard House is located in a peaceful area with a beautiful view. This project aims to create a modern environment with a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Diamond Harman Kültür Tuğlası is responsible for the project's design and aesthetics.

We added modern elegance and natural appeal to the vineyard house by using Diamond Harman Culture Brick on the inside and outside. This brick is made of culture bricks with a modern appearance, catching attention with its high-quality materials and unique design.

The vineyard house's wall coverings and details feature Diamond Harman Cultural Brick, which adds a distinct character and touch to the area. The product's unique design and texture represent the warmth and charm of natural materials, while also creating a modern environment in the area.

This cultured brick product is ideal for decorative wall coverings and exterior designs. Diamond Harman Culture Brick gives a distinctive elegance and attractiveness to rooms because of their durability and aesthetic value, which are appropriate for modern living.
